
Frequently Asked Questions

From the Data Management Book of Knowledge (DMBOK):

The exercise of authority, control, and shared decision making (planning, monitoring, enforcement) over the management of data assets. 

Data Governance is a business role that establishes policies and processes to ensure that information is managed properly by the technical teams in charge of implementing those policies through technology choices.

Google Cloud Platform is managed my Standard Industries Cloud team, and Google workspaces by IT.

Go to the Documents link above then under the How-Tos fill out the GCP Access Form.  Please keep in mind that GCP permissions are granted at the user group level, not individual users, while following the practice of least privilege.  If you do not have a Google Group already defined, please work with your company IT support team to have it created first.  Data Access will be approved by the Data Steward associated with the information.

From its Wikipedia entry:

Infrastructure as code is the process of managing and provisioning computer data centers through machine-readable definition files, rather than physical hardware configuration or interactive configuration tools.

For Google Cloud Platform we use Terraform Enterprise to manage and provision our non-Production and Production environment Infrastructure needs while storing the changes in GitHub.  By having all the configuration documented in code and changes stored in source control it is easier for us to provision new resources while following all best practices around security.

Terraform Enterprise adds additional features to the open-source Terraform project for IaC to make managing cloud infrastructure across teams more efficient, reducing risk, providing additional support for governance through audits, and reducing costs associated with Cloud Infrastructure.  It is cloud-platform neutral, although certain features may not be available for all cloud vendors, and can be used with GCP, Azure, or AWS.

Check with your Folder Admins if a Google Group already exists. Submit a Request for GCP Access ticket to specify the resource and level of access (Admin, Create, Run, or View Only)  for the Google Group or Service Account.